Retirement Home Outreach & Door-to-Door Evangelism in Newquay

God-willing, the plan is that each Thursday I will engage in a different form of evangelism in the Newquay area; with today’s gospel efforts focusing on our retirement home outreach at Penhaven Court, and then our door-to-door outreach.

Penhaven Court

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At 11am, we gathered in the common room of the retirement home for our monthly chapel service. Over the past couple of months I have been looking at the different narratives in the Gospel of Mark which deal with the power of Jesus. Today we came to Mark 5:1-20 and the topic of “Jesus’ Power Over the Demonic.”

Over the past couple of days members from Newquay Baptist Church have been going door-to-door in Penhaven Court inviting people to the meetings and distributing gospel material. Unfortunately we had no new visitors today, but we still had unbelievers present.

At the end of my message I offered a copy of the Gospel of Mark to anyone who would like to discover more about Jesus; one of the non-Christians took a copy saying he was looking forward to reading more.

The audio of my gospel message is linked below; even though we were few in number today, I pray that this audio is used by the Lord further afield.


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After lunch George (The Faith Mission) and I headed out to spend a couple of hours going from house to house in Newquay. The weather was quite cold and windy, so this really limited the conversations we were able to have at people’s doors, as a result we had a number of people say “No, thank-you” or just take a church invite and gospel tract; however, we were able to have a few good conversations.

At the first house we visited, we spoke with a sixty year old man named Jaz. George has visited him several times before so we knew he’d be open for a chat. When we arrived we discovered that he had been unwell, and that he had family visiting him, yet, he was still keen for a passionate conversation. Jaz is an atheist and likes a good debate; his arguments today centred around his beliefs that religion corrupts everything. We chatted for nearly thirty minutes about apologetics and the gospel. At the end of our conversation he said he enjoyed the chat and took a copy of the book, “All of Grace” by C.H. Spurgeon; he also invited us back for another visit in the near future.

At another house we met Mary who described herself as a lapsed Roman Catholic. She told us that she gave up Romanism after the birth of her children, but she was open to visiting churches and considering Christian things. We chatted for a short time, and she took a church invite and tract.


Many of the houses we visited after this had tenants who weren’t at home, so where we were able we put a tract and invite into their mailboxes.

Towards the end of the day we managed to get two more conversations; one was with a lady who was at home looking after her sick child. She told us that she wasn’t religious, but her husband and children were; we had a bit of a laugh that she was the black sheep in the family; and from there we were able to talk about different gospel issues. She took a tract, and we also gave her two children’s books for her kids. Our prayer is that the Lord will reach this entire family.

Finally, we were able to chat to Bev who is a member of the Church of England yet she rarely goes to church. George was able to very clearly share the gospel with her, and to address the mindset she had of good works being needed for salvation. At the end of our talk she took a tract and church invite also.

This week the door-to-door evangelism was harder than last week, but we rejoice in the fact that the gospel still went forth. Little by little the Kingdom of Christ will advance.



Would you partner with us in gospel ministry? Currently, my family and I are serving in Cornwall, UK where I am a Pastor / Missionary; Please consider supporting us in this vital work. Donations can be made via:


Many Hear the Gospel in Plymouth


Door-to-Door Evangelism in Newquay