Newquay Evangelism: The Providence of God

For the past few days, the weather has been gorgeous here in Newquay. The sun has been shining, and the temperatures warm. Days like these are perfect for outreach, as people will be out and about enjoying the sun. That was yesterday… today it is wet, grey and cooler. As I looked at the weather this morning, I seriously considered cancelling the outreach, but after chatting it through, we decided to press on and see what happens. Trusting that our God is completely sovereign, we went out with the knowledge that we would hand out as many tracts as He ordained and speak to as many people as He willed. 

At 1pm, we met at the chapel for prayer, and as I arrived the heavens opened, and the rain fell. It looked like the outreach would be washed out, but then the rain slowed down with drizzle and dry patches. 

After praying, four of us headed out to share the gospel. Two of us went to the town centre, and two went elsewhere in Newquay. As we walked down to the town, we were able to hand out tracts to the people we passed; then upon arriving in the high street we saw that Newquay was full of people. Even though it was wet and grey, the people still filled the streets. 


At first, it was slow going with handing out tracts, but soon this picked up. For over an hour, we handed out several hundred tracts, although no long gospel conversations were had (people didn’t want to stop to talk in the rain). 

One particular encounter that stood out to me this afternoon was that with a young lady from London. She was down in Cornwall on holidays but was heading back home today. She took a tract, read it, and then came back to chat. She told me that the message of the tract was very much needed today, and she appreciated what it said. She then went on to say that she wasn’t supposed to be in the town, but for some reason, her train was delayed, and then she had phone problems, so she came into the town to fix her phone while waiting for the train. She didn’t understand why all this had happened, but all I could see was the Lord’s providence on display. 

As I look back on all that happened this afternoon, I am reminded that little by little the Kingdom advances. The Lord was at work in Newquay, so I am glad that we went out to make much of Jesus. 



Praying for Gospel Opportunities


Ye Olde Gospel!