Newquay Evangelism: A Sunny Afternoon Outreach

It has been a challenging few weeks in both ministry and family life, and sadly what happens is that evangelism can sometimes fall by the wayside. It seems that whenever there is a plan for an outreach, something would come up that would take me elsewhere or distract me from the task at hand. But today, I was greatly encouraged to have two brothers arrange for a special afternoon of ministry in Newquay.

This morning I received a call from Andy Little of The Open Air Mission saying that he is down in Cornwall, so he and his dad would like to come across for an open-air meeting. I hadn’t planned on heading out today, but this was a golden opportunity for fellowship and ministry. The weather was sunny and the sky blue when we all met together at 2pm. Together we headed down to the town centre, set up the open-air board and began to preach.

Andy was the first to preach, he spoke on the subject of thankfulness and God’s kindness. It was encouraging to see people engage with him, if only for a few moments, as he explained who God is, and what God has done. At the end of his message, a Christadelphian stopped to ask questions. Andy was able to walk her through the Scripture, and then give her a little booklet explaining Trinity.

During this time, both Bernard and I were handing out tracts and chatting to people. It was quite encouraging to have so many people accept gospel literature. We must never underestimate what the Lord can do with the printed page.

After Andy finished his preaching and conversation, it was my turn to preach. I used my “Way to Heaven” message which drew some attention. A man named Glen sat nearby calling out that he agrees with me, and that God has a plan for our lives. He was a very nice chap, but he was under the influence of drink. Afterwards, I was able to chat with him and give him a gospel leaflet that deals with true and false repentance.

By now we were nearing the end of our outreach, but the plan was for Andy to preach one more time. But along came Noodles. I have spoken to Noodles many times over the past couple of years. He is a nice man, but very confused. Sadly, Noodles recently had a minor heart attack, but instead of making him consider his own mortality, it seems to have added to his belief that he will live for hundreds of years. We tried to give him a few gospel snippets, but he was closed to the truth.

I was greatly encouraged today by the fellowship of Andy and Bernard Little. It is always a joy to labour with like-minded brothers. Please pray for all those who heard the gospel today. May the Lord save many.



Plymouth Evangelism: Many Great Gospel Conversations


Newquay Evangelism: God’s Gospel in Weakness