A Harder Day in Salisbury

It was warm and sunny in Salisbury (I even got sunburned), but the people weren’t very open. There was a hardness and a coldness among those we tried to reach. Yet even though things were difficult, we rejoice that the good news was spread.

Paul began the preaching by speaking about 'Lessons from the Criminal.' Surprisingly, two Mormon missionaries listened to Paul preach. Normally, LDS missionaries avoid the biblical gospel, but these two young men listened and accepted a copy of 'Ultimate Questions.’

After the preaching, we tried to hand out tracts and chat with people, but it was difficult. A couple of conversations took place, but nothing much occurred.

It was then my turn to preach. I spoke about 'The Big Picture of Easter.' A couple of people listened, but there was no interaction. Paul then preached again, speaking on 'How Can We Be Sure Jesus Rose from the Dead?'

I preached once more before the outreach finished; this time I used the 'Good Person Test.' As I was speaking, a large group of older students stopped right in front of me while they waited to cross the road. A few of them made snide comments, and others listened. I quickly explained the gospel and called on all to repent and believe. Some mocked, while hopefully others believed.

The nature of open-air evangelism is that each day is different. Some days people are open and listening; other days they're closed. But if the good news is proclaimed, the outreach is a success!



Josh Williamson is a full-time evangelist with
The Open-Air Mission. Since 1853, OAM has been sharing the good news on the streets of the United Kingdom. To stay updated about the work of the Mission, please sign up for the free quarterly magazine and monthly prayer notes.



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