Yorkshire Outreach: Day 1 – Leeds

I am currently in Yorkshire for The Open-Air Mission team event. Over the next week, two teams will visit different locations to preach the gospel and speak at several churches. Due to the size of the teams and all that is happening, it would be impossible for me to detail everything that occurs. All I can do is write from my perspective, sharing the encounters I was a part of. No doubt, further reports and details from other team members will be published in the coming days.

It was great to return to Leeds; the last time I was in this northern city was in 2009 for a one-day outreach. The place has changed considerably, but thankfully the gospel remains the same. After setting up, the team began to share the good news. Since we had many preachers, I only spoke once today.

My message was – “How Can You Be Sure You Will Go to Heaven?” Shortly after posing this question to Leeds, a Muslim man began to engage. This gentleman wanted to argue about the doctrine of the Trinity and the deity of Christ. The problem was he didn’t want to dialogue; instead, he wanted to shout but not hear answers. I tried to engage him, but he wasn’t interested. I answered his questions, but he claimed I never did. Eventually, a team member was able to engage him in conversation so I could focus on preaching.

One of the benefits of this Muslim heckler is that he brought a young couple along to listen. Both were very friendly and open to hearing about the gospel. As they engaged with the preaching, they openly said they weren’t going to Heaven, but rather, would go to Hell because of all the wrong they have done. I explained the good news of salvation to them, then offered copies of John’s Gospel (both gladly took them!). After the open air, we spoke further. They said the heckling attracted them, but they were glad that they got to hear the message.

While other team members preached, Allan and I found ourselves in conversation with the original Muslim heckler. At first, he apologised but then launched straight back into his attack. Together, Allan and I were able to answer his objections, and then turn the tables on him. The moment we started to question his position; he quickly made an excuse to leave. We pray that the snippets of the gospel he heard will be the seeds the Lord uses to save him.

The rest of the outreach was spent handing out tracts and seeking to chat with people. One man that I spoke with told me that Christianity is all fairy tales and fantasy, so I asked him, “How do you know that is true?” He couldn’t answer but kept repeating his claim. We spoke for a time about the origins of life and the existence of God. Eventually, he said to me, “I am 83 years old; I have no evidence for what I believe. I’m gambling with my future.” He went on to share that the reason he hates Christianity is because at school it was ‘rammed down’ his throat. While we spoke, he softened to the point where he took a copy of John’s Gospel and promised to read it.

This is just a taste of some of what happened today. Please pray for all those who heard the good news and for the outreach teams in Yorkshire.



Josh Williamson is a full-time evangelist with
The Open-Air Mission. Since 1853, OAM has been sharing the good news on the streets of the United Kingdom. To stay updated about the work of the Mission, please sign up for the free quarterly magazine and monthly prayer notes.



Yorkshire Outreach: Day 2 – Barnsley


Return to the Streets – Southampton Outreach