A Warning to Young Evangelists

In his work, 'Why God Used D.L. Moody,' R.A. Torrey (1856-1928) provides a warning to young (and old) evangelists. Listen to his words...

Oh men and women, especially young men and young women, perhaps God is beginning to use you; very likely people are saying, “What a wonderful gift he has as a Bible teacher, what power he has as a preacher, for such a young man!” Listen: get down upon your face before God. I believe here lies one of the most dangerous snares of the Devil. When the Devil cannot discourage a man, he approaches him on another tack, which he knows is far worse in its results; he puffs him up by whispering in his ear, “You are the leading evangelist of the day. You are the man who will sweep everything before you. You are the coming man. You are the D. L. Moody of the day,” and if you listen to him, he will ruin you. The entire shore of the history of Christian workers is strewn with the wrecks of gallant vessels that were full of promise a few years ago, but these men became puffed up and were driven on the rocks by the wild winds of their own raging self-esteem.

Pride is a constant danger for those in ministry; may we learn to walk humbly with God (Micah 6:8).


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