Top Ten Tips for Helping at an Open-Air Meeting

This list was created with the outreaches conducted by The Open-Air Mission in mind. However, it can be adapted and modified to suit your local context.

1. If someone is listening to the preaching, avoid talking to them or offering a tract. Instead, wait until the person starts to leave, then walk a few steps with them and try to engage in conversation (away from the preaching).

2. Come up with good conversation questions, such as 'Hello, what did you think about what the preacher was saying?' or 'Have you ever thought about the Christian message?' Consider a non-threatening starter question that suits you.

3. If someone heckles the preacher, please let the preacher deal with them. Hecklers can be used by the Lord to draw in more people to hear the gospel. The preacher will indicate if he wants you to speak with the heckler.

4. Pay attention and show genuine interest in the preaching. Avoid starting conversations with other Christians in front of the preacher, as it can be very off-putting and distracting to those who are listening.

5. During the preaching, it is best if people refrain from handing out tracts and instead, form a listening crowd. Ensure that you are evenly spaced out and avoid standing in a straight line, which can create a barrier. Stay alert to others who may stop to listen so that you can engage with them at the end of the preaching or when the person moves away.

6. Stock up on tracts before the start of the preaching so that you don't have to keep going to the board. It's best to use tracts and literature supplied by The Open-Air Mission or approved by the team leader.*

7. If a gospel conversation is taking place, refrain from interrupting or joining unless invited to do so.

8. Be alert to those around you. If someone is engaged in a difficult conversation, stand nearby so that you can be called upon if needed.

9. Don't be distracted by current events, politics, controversy, secondary doctrines, etc. Keep the conversation focused on the good news of Jesus.

10. Pray throughout the outreach. Ask the Lord to bless the gospel witness, and also pray for the Christians you meet, that they too will become labourers in the harvest field.

* Good gospel tracts are available from numerous ministries. In addition to The Open-Air Mission, I would recommend literature from Living Waters and Tract Planet.


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