An Easter Outreach Idea for Your Church

Easter provides a unique opportunity for churches to engage the community with the good news of Jesus. However, as our society becomes more insular, a common question arises: “How can we connect with our neighbours?”

Allow me to suggest an old-fashioned yet relevant way to reach your community. It will require effort, but by following this plan, you can impact entire households. Here is my revolutionary idea: door-to-door evangelism!

Before you panic, let me clarify. There is a way to go door-to-door where people will thank you for your visit. This is achieved by bringing a gift (Proverbs 18:16). Many have seen charlatans on television asking for donations, so it's surprising when gospel-based churches do the opposite. Instead of asking people to give to the church, we should give something to them. Easter offers a great opportunity for us to be a giving church.

Here's the idea – create Easter Gift Bags and go house to house giving them away. When you visit someone’s house, smile, greet the person at the door, and say something like, “I’m (your name) from (name of church). We are going house to house giving away free Easter gifts. Here is your gift!”

I've used this outreach method in Australia and the United Kingdom, and in both countries, most people were very thankful for their gift, with only a few refusing. Many expressed surprise that a church would give them something. This sometimes led to further discussions about the gospel and the church.

What should you include in your gift bags?

  • Easter Eggs: People love chocolate, so include Easter Eggs in your bags. I usually aim for at least five mini-eggs per bag, but some might opt for larger eggs. The number or size isn’t crucial as long as there's enough for people to enjoy a chocolatey treat.

  • Gospel of John: Every bag should contain a portion of Scripture. I use the Gospel of John because it was written to help people believe (John 20:31), but any of the four Gospels would be suitable. The goal of including John’s Gospel is to allow people to read the true Easter story for themselves. Inexpensive copies of John’s Gospels can be obtained from The Open-Air Mission or The Pocket Testament League.

  • Easter-Themed Gospel Tract: Including a short gospel leaflet on the theme of Easter is also beneficial. This should present the gospel clearly. I recommend using tracts from The Open-Air Mission, Living Waters, and Gospel Tract Planet.

  • Church Invite: It is essential to invite people back to your church. The purpose of this outreach is not a ‘hit and run’ but rather to connect with the community. If possible, include details of the church location, service times, contact information, a map, and a photo of your building on the invitation flyer. For affordable printing of church invites, please contact Printing Evangelism.

  • Pastoral Letter: A nice touch that I’ve found to be very helpful is to include a short letter from the Pastor. This letter can explain why the church is giving out gifts and encourage people to read the Gospel. It also can provide a contact method for anyone who needs help or wants more information. Click here for a sample letter.

  • Easter Bags: It is worth using Easter-themed bags for your gifts. This will help reinforce your message of a free gift. Bags can be purchased via Amazon or similar websites.

I hope this simple method of evangelism will help you and your church engage with the community. If you do use the above suggestions, please send us a photo. We’d love to see what you are doing to spread the good news!

P.S. Most of the links mentioned above direct to UK websites. For resources in other countries, please click – Recommend Evangelism Resources.


‘Just’ a Stay-At-Home Mum…


Distractions to Evangelism