Newquay Evangelism: What is God's preferred pronoun?

I had a free forty minutes this morning so I decided to head down to the High Street of Newquay to share the gospel. 

Open-Air Evangelism NRBC.png

It is a cold though sunny day which means that a number of people were out enjoying the fine weather. As I began to hand out tracts, I noticed that the ground is quite hard here. People are indifferent and mocking of Christian belief. There is also a strong alternative spirituality (paganism) in this community, which would explain some of the disregard of Christianity. 

However, little by little the gospel spreads; in forty minutes I was able to hand out a handful of tracts, meet a Christian from another church (who was encouraged to see evangelism taking place) and have three conversations (kind of). 

The first conversation was with a young man who thought he was good enough for Heaven. As I spoke to him his girlfriend literally took hold of him and dragged him away. As he was taken off she reprimanded him for speaking to me. At least he still had a tract in his pocket. 

The next conversation was with a man named Sam. He told me that he was an atheist and only believed in himself. We chatted for a few minutes while I engaged him in apologetics. He listened and took on board what I said, but as we started to get to the gospel his girlfriend also came and took him away. 

My final conversation was with an extremely closed minded man, yet he was also a man who thought he was open to all views. He told me that all religions teach the same thing, but Christian belief may be wrong. He also declared that he has studied all these different conspiracy theories, so he knows that we cannot believe anything an authority says (I asked if he was an authority on this subject, he said he was). 

He then went on to say that truth isn’t knowable (though his truth is). It was clear this man had no grasp on Christian things, so I asked if he had ever read the Bible for himself. He said he couldn’t read or study, so he would never look at the Bible. I pointed out that he is prepared to study everything else but the Bible, to which he agreed. 

Whenever I tried to share anything relating to Scripture he’d go off on a tangent. Eventually I said to him, “If you are going to disagree with Christianity at least know what we believe.” At this point he told me that I could summarise the Christian Faith. 

I began at Creation, explaining who God is, but the moment I said “He” in reference to God this man fired up. He told me that gender is made up and that we cannot assume gender. I pointed out that God reveals Himself as “He”, but the man still took issue. Finally I asked, “‘He’ is God’s preferred pronoun. Why do you reject His choice?” The man didn’t quite know what to say, so he eventually went back to his conspiracy theories. At this point I departed the conversation as it would have been fruitless to continue any longer. 

Please pray for those who took tracts and also the three conversations I had. 


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Newquay Evangelism: Little by Little the Kingdom Advances


A Tale of Two Outreaches - Redcliffe & Manly