Newquay Evangelism: A Tremendous Day of Outreach!

What a tremendous day of outreach! Nine of us met at the chapel at 1pm for prayer, before heading down to the Newquay Town Centre to share the gospel. The weather was a bit misty, so we weren’t sure if the Free Bible table would work, but we thought we’d take it just in case we had the opportunity to set up… I am glad we did, as we had many opportunities today!

As we set up the literature table, a group of seven young people approached. They showed interest in what we were doing, and all took a booklet that contains the different accounts of the birth of Jesus from the Scripture. These Gospel booklets would prove to be very popular today with 120 people taking copies of these segments of God’s Word.

This week was much busier than last week; people were festive and happy, so many took tracts and several people stopped to chat. The table proved to be the epicentre of evangelism, with many people taking material (and a candy cane!). Of particular encouragement was seeing so many children receiving a free kids book on the birth of Jesus. For ninety minutes, we were able to give away 48 hardcover books. Parents and children were all very thankful and happy for this gift.

Throughout the outreach, I also bumped into people that I have spoken to previously, including a lady I spoke to recently during door-to-door evangelism. I also got to chat with a more mature surfer. As I chatted to the surfer, he told me that society has lost its way, and then said, “It is as if we’ve become godless.” I readily agreed with him that indeed we were a godless society. The question he then had to answer was – what is the solution? He pondered the question then said that he had given up on Western religion since it seems to be all about commercialism, he then apologised and said, “This is why I can’t accept Christianity. I only believe Eastern religions.” I told him I understood his concern, but then pointed out an error in his thinking, I said, “Christianity isn’t Western. Think about where Jesus is from.” He thought about this for a moment then he replied, “Christianity is Eastern!” I then asked him to explain what appealed to him about Eastern thought, to which he answered, “Eastern thought teaches us to look inside ourselves to find the answers.” I had to ask, “What have you found when you’ve looked inside yourself?” His head dropped as he said, “All I’ve found is failure and corruption.” I once again agreed with him and said that corruption was the nature of all people, that is why God came looking for us. Previously when I have spoken to this man, he refused to take literature, but today he took a Gospel. As our conversation finished, he shook my hand and said, “I have plenty of time to talk to people like you.” He then wished me a happy Christmas and wandered off.

As I look back on all that the Lord has done today, I must say I am amazed. It was one of the most productive days of evangelism we’ve ever had in Newquay. I am looking forward to seeing what the Lord does next!



Please partner with us in gospel ministry. My family and I are serving in Cornwall, UK where I am a Pastor / Missionary. Please consider supporting us in this vital work. Donations can be made via:


Newquay Evangelism: We Ran Out of Material!


Newquay Christmas Evangelism Commences