Newquay Christmas Evangelism Commences

December is a prime month for evangelism, as throughout this month people are singing carols about the birth of Jesus and thinking about the coming of the Saviour. Of course, over the years Christmas has become more of a cultural event than a religious one, but still, the season gives us a wonderful opportunity to share the truth.

God-willing, in the coming days we will be conducting a variety of outreaches in Newquay, but it all began today with an open-air outreach in the town centre. This morning as I prepared to go out witnessing, I spent quite a bit of time watching the weather. One minute it was sunny and windy, then it was rainy and windy, then just to mix it up a bit we would have hail and wind also. All of this made me question if the outreach would proceed, and if it did, would we be limited in what we were planning to do? 

The plan was that we’d head down to the town centre armed with Christmas tracts and a variety of other gospel material and that we would set up a free literature table. The wet weather and wind made me question the use of a table, but we decided to give it a go anyway. We took the table down to the town, we set it up, then within minutes, the hail began to fall. Quickly we packed everything up, and I thought we’d just spend the rest of the time focusing on tract work, but out came the sun. We dried the table, and once again put the books out, and soon people were taking material.

On the table, we had copies of a children’s Christmas book. The purpose of this book is to educate young people about the real reason for the season. We also had pocket gospels that told the biblical account of the birth of Jesus. Throughout the outreach, we were able to distribute thirteen children’s books and eight Gospels. We were also able to hand out many tracts.

One of the good things about open-air work is that you often get to meet Christians from other churches. While we were handing out tracts a couple stopped to say how much they were encouraged by what we were doing. They are from a church in Truro, but they were in Newquay for the day. They asked if they could pray for us, so we all bowed our heads in the middle of the street as this brother and sister asked the Lord to bless the work.

Probably the saddest part of the outreach was talking to a group of teenagers, all of whom had never heard the real story of Christmas. As a nation, England is still considered as being “Christian,” but the reality is vastly different. All the young ladies took copies of the Gospels and said they’d read them.  

Praise God for opportunities to make Him known!



Please partner with us in gospel ministry. My family and I are serving in Cornwall, UK where I am a Pastor / Missionary. Please consider supporting us in this vital work. Donations can be made via:


Newquay Evangelism: A Tremendous Day of Outreach!


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